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In-person and online classes at Millersville University in Millersville, Pa., were disrupted this week by a cyberattack.
The university canceled both online and in-person classes Monday following the discovery of the cyberattack Sunday. On Tuesday, online classes resumed. In a Wednesday update, the university indicated face-to-face on-campus classes, labs, studios and performances that don't require access to the internet, email or some other online services could proceed.
Several networks were taken down following the attack, including campus internet and telephones, as well as Zoom and the D2L learning management system.
“We can now confirm that on Sunday, Feb. 28, Millersville University received an external attack on our network. IT immediately took action to mitigate the hit,” the university said in a tweet Tuesday.
The university reported that personally identifiable information is encrypted, and “to the best of our knowledge, that data has not been compromised.”