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Faculty members at Monmouth College have called for the removal or resignation of the institution's president, Clarence Wyatt, saying he and his administration were poor financial stewards of the college throughout the past year.
Faculty members said their concerns and ideas were largely ignored or dismissed, WQAD 8, an affiliate of ABC, reported.
Last spring, Wyatt asked a faculty committee to come up with potential cuts. The committee put forward a set of recommendations that fell short of the college's cost-savings goal.
(This article has been updated to remove originally reported inaccurate information about budget proposals.)
During its April meeting, the Faculty Senate passed a resolution of no confidence in the president, with 72 percent of faculty members voting in favor of the resolution.
The faculty have not yet received a response to the vote from the board.
“The Board stands behind the President 100 percent,” college administrators told WQAD.