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Gregory Woodward, president of the University of Hartford, has corrected his biography, which formerly said he was a National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I athlete. In a Friday email to the campus, he said, "I need to acknowledge an inaccuracy in my biography that has been brought to my attention; specifically, that I was a Division I student-athlete. Nearly 50 years ago, I walked onto the varsity Villanova University soccer team as a first-year student and played for one year before transferring. The university’s athletics program was of the highest caliber at the time and that has always been how I recalled my experience. However, I now know the NCAA formally created the current three divisions in 1973, with men’s soccer added in 1982, after my experience. Therefore, the team was not recognized as Division I when I played. I apologize for this inaccuracy and it has been corrected."

Woodward left a commencement ceremony this year when he was jeered by attendees. The university recently opted to move from Division I to Division III.