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The Kennedy School at Harvard University has decided to merge its admissions and financial aid teams. This means that "each of the counselors will have responsibility for all aspects of recruiting, awarding aid to, and yielding our students," instead of separate teams, according to a memo from Debbie Isaacson, senior associate dean for degree programs and student affairs. "This new enrollment services approach will better serve ​prospective, admitted, and enrolled students by providing holistic support and consistent stewardship prior to and throughout their studies at the Kennedy School."

The change means that most jobs in admissions and student aid are being eliminated. "While we are excited about this approach, unfortunately moving to this new structure requires the discontinuation of current roles within our admissions and student financial services teams. This is a very difficult reality given how close-knit our community is. We have notified those of our colleagues whose roles have been affected, and we are working closely with them to provide full support and guidance during this transition. These changes are not due to budgetary constraints or staff member performance, but rather are the result of careful consideration of the strategic goals of our enrollment services team," said Isaacson.