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Broward College in Florida has received the first Promise Neighborhoods grant ever awarded to a community college from the U.S. Department of Education. The federal grant program funds efforts to improve the academic outcomes of children in low-income neighborhoods or neighborhoods with high levels of juvenile delinquency, incarceration, academic failure and other challenges.
The $30 million grant, the largest in the college’s history, will be doled out over the next five years. The funds will support Broward UP, a program established in 2018 that offers workforce training in communities with high unemployment and low educational attainment rates. The Broward UP Promise Neighborhoods project will take a multigenerational approach, offering academic supports to children, from an early age through adulthood, and helping their parents gain workforce skills.
“Promise Neighborhoods build on the rich resources, ingenuity, and creativity of communities to bring together schools, nonprofits, and other organizations in a concerted effort to meet the needs of children and youth,” Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona said in a news release. “Through these new grants … more children in communities all across the nation will have access to cradle-to-college and career supports that will help them reach their potential and thrive.”