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Joseph Boselli, former bursar at the City University of New York, was charged Tuesday with stealing nearly $500,000 in college funds earmarked for student scholarships and stipends, The New York Post reported.

Boselli allegedly spent the money on travel and designer goods, according to the Post.

Boselli stole more than 900 checks, worth between $4 and $3,318, made out to students, between August 2012 and November 2017. Many of the checks had forged student signatures. The City University of New York began looking into the thefts when Boselli was placed on leave in 2017. He was later fired in 2019.

“This case is an example of CUNY’s continued commitment to identify and eradicate allegations of corruption, fraud, criminal activity, and conflicts of interest by promptly referring such instances to the appropriate authorities and cooperating fully with the investigations,” Félix Matos Rodríguez, CUNY chancellor, said in a statement. “I commend everyone at CUNY and in law enforcement for their hard work on this case.”