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Kyle Rittenhouse, who was acquitted on all charges by a Wisconsin jury in the shooting deaths of two men during street protests in Kenosha last year, contrary to previous reports is not currently a student at Arizona State University, The Arizona Republic reported.

After Rittenhouse said during his Nov. 10 testimony that he was studying nursing at Arizona State, the university confirmed that he was a non-degree-seeking online student but said he hadn’t gone through the admissions process and wasn’t enrolled in the nursing school. On Monday, the university confirmed he’s not a student anymore.

“Our records show that he is not currently enrolled,” Arizona State spokesperson Jay Thorne told The Arizona Republic. “There was no action taken by the university.” Thorne did not provide information about whether Rittenhouse withdrew from classes or his enrollment status changed.

Since Rittenhouse’s trial, students at Arizona State have protested his enrollment; one online petition demanding that the university remove him from classes has over 12,000 signatures. Four left-leaning student organizations were planning a demonstration in Tempe Wednesday to keep him off campus, even though he was an online student, The Arizona Republic reported.