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The chancellor of Montana State University at Billings, Stefani Hicswa, on Thursday announced the creation of a task force to study what to do about a building that is named for the university’s first president, who, she recently learned spoke out in favor 1935 for Adolf Hitler’s eugenics program.

“McMullen Hall is named after the first president of then Eastern Montana Normal School [the university's prior name], Lynn McMullen. A number of press accounts from 1935 quote McMullen espousing the now-discredited theory of eugenics. McMullen also suggested that Germany would advance faster than other nations due to Adolf Hitler’s embrace of eugenics,” Hicswa said. “This is very a serious issue, and the task force will investigate the issue further and provide a recommendation for the process to review the name of the administration building. A recommendation from the task force to rename the building would ultimately need to be brought before the Board of Regents for consideration.”