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The state of Maryland will no longer require a four-year college degree for certain state jobs, formally dropping the requirement in an announcement made by Governor Larry Hogan last week.
More than 38,000 workers are employed by the state, and Maryland’s Department of Budget and Management “estimates that more than half of those jobs can substitute relevant experience, training, and/or community college education for a four-year degree,” according to a press release from the governor’s office. The program will look for workers “skilled through alternative routes” or STARs, for short, to fill jobs in the IT, administrative and customer service sectors.
STARs, the governor’s office notes, are 25 or older, currently working, have a high school diploma or equivalent credential, and have gained skills through community college, apprenticeships, service in the military, boot camps or on-the-job training. According to Maryland officials, 47 percent of Maryland residents meet the STARs criteria above.