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Student Journey Map Addresses Cracks in the Advising System

Three students created the Student Journey Map, detailing student needs and how advisers can meet those needs.

ICYMI | 3 Ways to Model a Career Closet

Free professional clothing closets on campus make students interview ready. Here are three ways to organize your career closet.

Residential Spaces Combine Living and Learning in New Ways

Living-learning communities enable students to participate in academic and personal development under a shared topic. Here are 10 memorable themes for colleges to consider.

Focus on Character Education

Data from Wake Forest University show that character education helps students develop virtues and think beyond themselves. Now the university is helping develop a character education network across academe.

Program Innovation: Micro-Internships Offer Career Experiences, Alumni Connections

Students use Goucher College’s micro-internship program for six-week virtual internships hosted by the college’s alumni network.

Student Success Champion: Q&A With Barrington Price at Dominican University

As vice president of student success and engagement, Price shares his student success philosophy, including the importance of nurturing hope.

Librarians as Promoters of Student Success Early in College

Student success librarians and library programs target information access for first-year students.

Early and Often: Teaching Critical Thinking Skills for Student Success

A former dean of academic advising argues that supporting student success means ramping up critical thinking training.