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The Soiling of Old Glory

A new book analyzes a famous photograph from Boston anti-busing protests. Scott McLemee takes a pre-post-racial look.

Harsh Realities About Virtual Ones

Colleges need to question their rush to the latest technological wonders and focus more on students, writes Michael Bugeja.

A Call for Slow Writing

It's time for journal essays to replace books as the dominant mode of scholarly communication, writes Lindsay Waters.

Faculty Members Should Learn to Dance

Alan Groveman wants professors to be a little less quick to criticize their students' various inabilities.

Content Control -- This Time From Friends

College leaders opposed federal efforts to dictate student learning measures. They should do the same, Bernard Fryshman writes, to efforts by some higher education groups to specify content.

The Whole World Was Watching

A new film takes an almost hallucinatory look at the protests in Chicago in 1968. Scott McLemee trips into its black holes.

Can I See My Grade?

Terry Caesar considers how he answers this most annoying of student questions.

Teaching Social Justice in Higher Ed

Thomas R. Tritton considers how his students who aspire to become college administrators approach some of the key issues.