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The Wrong Type of Auction

If Congress wants to bring market forces to federal student loans, it should auction existing loans to determine their value, not the right to make loans, Arthur Hauptman writes.

Counting Ponytails

We need progress toward gender equity in athletics, but the current debate isn't helping, writes Welch Suggs.

Pottering Around

The end is near! Scott McLemee checks on the scholarly response to Harry Potter as devotees await the final chapter.

Stop Starving Our Urban Public Universities

Underfunding colleges that serve large numbers of low-income and minority students risks turning them into "dropout factories," Stephen Jordan writes.

Going Global 101

J. Michael Adams and Angelo Carfagna offer 10 tips for internationalizing your college and its curriculum.

My First Year as President

Karen Gross looks back at what she learned and offers suggestions to other would-be college chief executives.

American Job Search

Interviewing for a faculty job has become much like interviewing for a factory job, writes Michael Joseph Donlin.

The LaRouche Youth Movement

Followers of "the best economist in the world today" are coming to your campus. Scott McLemee reads their literature without giggling.