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Starting Out in the Evening

An unfilmable novel about literary life hits the cineplex. Scott McLemee interviews the author.

A Place of More

Debra Carney considers the lessons of coaching students in Cambodia and the United States.

On College Costs, Be Careful What You Wish For

If in the name of accountability, higher education is forced to focus obsessively on reducing expenses, the results won't yield the kind of institutions Americans want and need, writes William G. Durden.

Both Sides Now

Having received readers' reports on her manuscripts and contributed to those for others, Caroline Levine writes about why she imposed a rule on herself.

Does Class Size Matter?

Daniel Barwick challenges the assumption that small is always best in the college classroom.

Around the Web

What are the best academic blogs you've never heard of? Scott McLemee beats the bushes for leads

Hire a Geezer

Rob Weir argues that top colleges and universities can get better by getting grayer -- at least in selecting professors.

The Meaning of a Transgender Homecoming King

A student's victory points to the power of some campus traditions, and the need to challenge them, writes Hugo Schwyzer.