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Trading in the Blue Collar

Reaching working class students requires not just professors' good will, but concrete efforts, writes Shari Dinkins.

Start With a Number...

Jason B. Jones writes that, done correctly, the kinds of statistical analysis politicians want in assessment systems can point to tough and important questions for professors and administrators to consider.

Swiftboating Higher Education on P2P

The latest salvo in the entertainment industry's campaign against illegal downloading of movies and music -- aided and abetted by Congress -- is wrong, and students should help fight it, Kenneth C. Green argues.

Talking to Himself

The oral historian Studs Terkel now tells his life's story. Scott McLemee listens to a puzzling silence in the tale.

The Future of the Contingent Faculty Movement

Keith Hoeller writes that a review of the history of the push for adjunct equity suggests that it's time for some strategy adjustments.

Outcomes Assessment: No Gain, All Pain

The push to measure student learning is portrayed as benefiting students, but it will hurt, not help, them, writes Bernard Fryshman.

The Lasting Impact of a Departmental Secretary

Paula M. Krebs considers how a woman educated professors about issues of class and power -- while helping all who relied on her.

The Path of Respectful Engagement

The Iranian president's Columbia visit created the impression that universities have two choices with such figures: keep them away or justify their visits by being rude. There's another possibility, writes Pat Hostetter Martin.