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Why Antioch Matters

The demise of a unique liberal arts college reflects a series of lamentable trends in higher education, writes Cary Nelson.

Service: The Un-loved Third Rail

Many professors see institutional work as a distraction from research and teaching. They and their colleges must change that, Jim Lakso and Jim Tuten write.

Credentials, Accomplishments and Redemption

Stephen Joel Trachtenberg says there could have been another approach -- more fitting to an educational institution -- to the Marilee Jones case.

Requiem for a Heavyweight

The late Richard Rorty was a pragmatist philosopher and a generous soul. Scott McLemee looks back....

The Perpetuation of Privilege

When enormously wealthy individuals give millions to enormously wealthy universities, it's time to stop calling it philanthropy, writes Walter M. Kimbrough.

Saving 30 Years

Terry Caesar considers networks, knowing the "right people," and prestige real and imagined.

Have I Been Watching This Movie Backwards?

The Education Department's pressure on colleges to use quantitative measures of student learning is getting ahead of the needed research, Bernard Fryshman writes.

An AAUP Manifesto

A loyal but worried member of the association offers an agenda for making the faculty group more relevant and more powerful.