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Office Space

Your boss wants to move you out of the perfect location for your work. C.K. Gunsalus reviews the situation -- and offers advice for managers.

10 Years as a Provost

Jim Hunt offers some guidance he wishes he'd had when he started in the position.

The For-Profit Option

As faculty jobs evaporate elsewhere, hiring is strong in a non-traditional sector. David Clinefelter discusses the qualities that are important to those doing the hiring.

Getting the Letters Right

When it comes to getting recommendations, you need to mentor your mentors, writes Teresa Mangum.

Too Much to Say?

Among your first steps, writes Peg Boyle Single, are knowing your audience and dividing your material into key points.

No Limits

Your dissertation topic doesn't need to frame your job search, writes Sabine Hikel.

Perishing Without Publishing

Rob Weir on what not to do if you want to see your paper published.

Life Happens

New assistant professors, plotting their paths to tenure, need to remember that the road is rarely smooth, writes Terri E. Givens.