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Too Soon?

Grad students face real risks by going on the market before they are ready, writes Cheryl E. Ball.


J. Sumerau on the problems with leaving trans and intersex people out of nationally "representative" surveys.

Interviewing Gay Candidates

Karen M. Whitney and Jon Derek Croteau offer guideposts for interacting with candidates and finding the best talent for key academic positions.

Encouraging Department Chairs

Leaders of academic departments are underutilized in fostering change and progress in higher education, writes Marian Stoltz-Loike.

A Dozen Sentences

Philip N. Howard identifies the lines that are needed in every cover letter by a graduate student or new Ph.D. seeking an academic job.

Alt-Ac Challenges

Brenda Bethman reviews some of the adjustments one makes in leaving the faculty career path.

Adjunct Pay and Anger

Two adjuncts discuss their working lives -- and the ways they respond to the injustices they face.

9 to 5

It's possible to be a successful academic without working more than 40 hours a week, writes Trish Roberts-Miller.