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Going to the Bathroom

Terry Caesar remembers when students dealt with bodily functions after class -- and considers their unwillingness to wait today.

This, That and the Other Thing

Intellectual Affairs has been running for just over a month now. It might be a good moment for a bit...

An Academic (Almost) Does the WB

Rich Benjamin gets snared in the reality television craze and learns some lessons about obsession with youth and life as a gay intellectual.

In Black and White

Just because an African-American author turns out to be white doesn't mean that scholarship on her is any less creative....

Who Gets In, What It Costs

John V. Lombardi asks and answers questions about price and selection in American higher education. The core question: Is the system fair?

Summers Beyond Harvard

As a visiting professor at Harvard, KC Johnson takes in the controversy and worries about its impact well beyond Cambridge.

Derrida's Wake

When last weekend's conference at Cardozo Law was first announced, the title was given simply as "Derrida/America." Only while standing...

My 57th Recommendation Letter This Week

Sometimes, saying nothing because you can't say something nice isn't an option, David Galef suggests.