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Cal State Northridge
The California State University system has suspended an admissions requirement for undergraduates that they submit SAT or ACT scores.
The suspension applies to those seeking to enter Cal State in the fall 2021, winter 2022 and spring 2022 admission cycles.
“The California State University has provided access to a high-quality education for millions of Californians from all walks of life, and we will continue to fulfill our academic mission even during these most trying of times,” said CSU chancellor Timothy P. White. “This temporary change will ensure equitable access to the university, and should provide some measure of relief to prospective students and their families.”
The move follows the University of California, which made a similar short-term change in admissions policies. Both systems have some internal and some external advocates for dropping the tests entirely, and officials said that the two decisions were motivated by the College Board and ACT calling off some spring testing dates.
The Montana Board of Regents on Thursday voted to waive SAT or ACT requirements for those seeking to enter public universities in the state for one year.
During the last week, many other colleges announced they were going test optional. Some colleges did so permanently, and others not.
Here are some of the colleges that changed their policies last week:
- Barry University (permanent)
- Butler University (permanent)
- California Lutheran University (permanent)
- Loyola Marymount University (one year)
- St. Olaf College (permanent)
- Swarthmore College (two years)
- Tulane University (one year)
- Virginia Tech (one year)