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The College Board canceled the August SAT in Egypt at the last minute, citing test security issues.
Now, the College Board has called off the SAT in Egypt for the entire 2020-21 academic year.
A spokeswoman for the College Board said via email, "Earlier this week, we informed registered students in Egypt that we will not be administering the SAT or SAT Subject Tests in Egypt for the 2020-21 academic year, from September 2020 through June 2021. Despite our implementation of numerous additional security procedures, there have been recurring test security incidents in the region, which have led to repeated test administration cancellations, score holds, and score cancellations. Due to these test security issues, we cannot continue to administer the SAT in Egypt at this time."
The canceled exams affect anyone who had hoped to take the SAT in Egypt, a group that includes Egyptians but also Americans at Western high schools in Egypt.