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How to Think Strategically About Committee Work

Not preparing for yearly committee service is a missed opportunity to make career-forwarding moves, Christine Tulley advises.

Your Adviser, Your Ally

Building trust requires taking risks and having difficult conversations, writes Stephanie K. Eberle.

Making the Most of Transitions

Successful leadership requires being humble and taking the advice of those who have done the work before us, writes Terri E. Givens.

Academic Book Reviews Deserve Some Respect

They are an investment in the scholarly community and in ourselves as researchers, Victoria Addis argues.

When the Buck Stops With You

Crystal G. Herman offers advice on how to most effectively deal with student concerns as a midlevel faculty administrator.

Needed: More Reading in First-Year Writing

Not asking students to read regularly is like telling them it’s OK not to explore, argues Rachel Wagner, even if it's the week their papers are due and what they read won't be analyzed in those papers.

Why You Should Pursue Passion Projects in Grad School

They allow you to explore your skills, gain experience and refine career goals, writes Dan Moseson, who provides advice for successfully doing so.