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Collaboration and Conflict in Academe

Anthony Ocampo and Joy Gaston Gayles provide advice for ensuring an effective scholarly collaboration, despite any uneven power dynamics between the individuals involved.

Flexible Faculty Development

Anne Marie Canale, Cheryl Herdklotz and Lynn Wilde describe new programs and activities that help meet the professional and personal needs of a changing faculty demographic.

Making the Most of External Reviews: Part 1

Karlyn Crowley provides tips on hiring a reviewer, framing a self-study and designing the review process.

Anger in the Classroom

In teaching, we can embrace the ways that rage is a legitimate response to felt injustices and draw on it as a sort of compass and wellspring of creativity, writes Deborah J. Cohan.

From the Basement to the Dome

How do Ph.D. students, and those involved in their training, James M. Van Wyck asks, navigate this liminal moment in career and professional development?

On Being Flustered

Marcos Gonsalez describes the challenges of imagining a different way of being in the classroom with students, especially marginalized ones.

Semester Rhythms and Recurring Burnout

What you may be feeling could very well be more than simply end-of-the-year exhaustion, advises Beth Godbee.

Leading Change From the Middle

Ja'Wanda S. Grant provides advice for dealing with brick walls, passing the baton and surviving system crashes.