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Stress and Student Success

We in higher education now serve more students with more stress than ever before, yet we have done little to learn about the strategies to help them better manage it, argues Karen Costa.

Worth vs. Value in Job Negotiations

They are not synonymous, especially in the career arena, writes Michael A. Matrone, and you should not allow greed to damage good relations between you and a future employer.

On Truth and Subjectivity

Failing to value and respect the types of data that minoritized scholars are collecting -- and the ways we are collecting them -- is a form of silencing us, writes Jackson Wright Shultz.

Cisgender Me-Search

If me-search refers to people who study populations they are a part of, then most survey work done by cisgender scholars fits the definition of it, argues J. Sumerau.

Lessons on the Path to the Presidency

Carmen Twillie Ambar shares five pieces of advice for senior women administrators in the academy.

How to Finish Your Dissertation

Kerry Ann Rockquemore gives advice for getting past the three biggest obstacles to completion.

Failure to Launch

Karen Kashmanian Oates explores why STEM postdocs struggle to land their first faculty position and how others in academe can help.

Selling Yourself on the Job Market

To do that, you have to have a product worth selling and know how to sell it to a particular segment of customers, advises Joseph Barber.