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Why Mentor Matches Fail

Most mentor matches don't work, argues Kerry Ann Rockquemore, because they are based on a fundamentally flawed and outdated model.

Improving the First Contact

The impression you give when you first meet people can make or break your career opportunities. Saundra Loffredo provides tips for ensuring the former.

12 Job Market Mistakes

What are the things academic job seekers definitely should not do? Melissa Dennihy provides a list.

Handling the Hot Water

What should you do if your research lands you in controversy? M. V. Lee Badgett offers advice.

Grad Students, Entrepreneurialism and Career Preparation

Grad students need to apply to their career preparation the same entrepreneurial spirit they apply to their academic research, argues James M. Van Wyck.

Unfriending Friends

Being a minority of any kind in academe can be difficult, writes Manya Whitaker. But you can be much happier if you don't force relationships with people whom you are not naturally inclined to befriend.

Why Do They Leave?

If you want to know why underrepresented faculty members decide to leave your department, ask them, advises Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

From Linguistic Judo to Hustle

Career development requires energy and flexibility in a fluid job market, writes Alfreda James, and graduate students now have many more sources and accessible options for advice related to it.