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Professorial Discretion

Young academics need to learn when to share information and when not to, writes Nate Kreuter.

Crafting an Ideal Campus Visit

Tom Delahunt offers advice on how admissions officers – and faculty members -- can help their institutions make a good impression on would-be students.

Rewarding Teaching Innovation

Elizabeth H. Simmons shares a set of inexpensive, reinforcing strategies that have worked to inspire faculty members at her institution -- and might apply to yours, too.

Hey, You, Get Off My Chair

Faculty members and administrators have a responsibility to move toward retirement, and to make sure new talent can find its place in academe, writes Thomas R. Kepple.

Netiquette, Shmetiquette?

Has the keyboard become a tool to promote collaboration, quibbling, or chaos? Maria Shine Stewart ponders e-kindness.

Negotiating a Faculty Job Offer

You need to endure a little awkwardness to get issues clarified and the terms you need, write Cheryl Reed and Dawn M. Formo.

Gaming the Grad Stipend

It's time for programs to be honest about what their doctoral students need to support life's basic necessities, writes Nate Kreuter.

Presidents and Boards as Change Agents

The next generation of leaders of public comprehensive universities may well have to refashion the institutions, Emily Miller and Richard Skinner write.