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So What Skills Do I Have?

Higher education has prepared you for the business or consulting world in a variety of ways you might not realize, writes Jessica Quillin.

Dual Career Administrators

Michael and Carol Harter write about rising through the ranks, trade-offs and commutes.

Just Visiting

Just because a position is better than most adjunct jobs doesn't mean it will get you closer to the tenure track, writes Eliza Woolf.

Where the Action Is

Russ Olwell describes why you should consider faculty jobs at regional public universities, and how to impress search committees at those institutions.

Don't Phone It In

Over the past several years, I have had the opportunity to be involved with a variety of phone interviews, both...

The Answers That Matter

Alain-Philippe Durand considers the many ways you interact with a search committee, and why they all matter.

Getting Comfortable With 'Business'

Many higher education professionals may be intrigued yet intimidated by the idea of starting their own business or doing consulting...

Models for Post-University Life

With higher education no longer a reliable patron of work in arts and letters, it's time to consider new approaches to living the life of the mind, writes Andrew Taggart.