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Punching Above Their Weight

The best performing community colleges aren’t necessarily those with the highest graduation or transfer rates; they’re those that consistently punch above their weight.

Every College’s Nightmare

My condolences, once again, to everyone at Virginia Tech.

Filtering Applications

A longtime reader wrote me a mini-rant occasioned by frustration at an overwhelming pile of applications for a faculty position...


Reading the academic blogosphere, you’d think there were only two kinds of faculty: tenure-track (or tenured) and adjunct. But that’s not true.

Administration and the Two-Body Problem

In response to yesterday’s piece about the lack of generational turnover in college leadership, a particularly thoughtful comment deserved a post in itself. "Shannon" wrote:

Leadership Crises Ahead

As an industry, we’ll be in serious trouble as long as it’s taboo to speak the truth. The responses to these two pieces suggest that we aren’t yet ready to come to grips with reality.

Friday Fragments

Lego League is in the home stretch. TB’s team has its big competition soon, so it’s ramping up the practice schedule. The team meets in the coach’s garage, in which he has a massive robot obstacle course where his car should be. The team consists of a half dozen boys, all around ten or eleven years old.

Too Many Daves

Meet Dave. Dave doesn’t exist, but his real-life counterparts do.