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Over the break I finally had a chance to read Higher Education?, by Andrew Hacker and Claudia Dreifus. It was...


“Why them and not us?” Managing the different impacts of microbenefits is a surprisingly large part of my job. I’m...

College Bookstores and the Internet

Anecdotally, it looks like the new Higher Education Act is doing a number on college bookstores, and on bookstores in...

The Sick Kid Shuffle

This weekend The Girl got hit by a nasty stomach bug, so nobody got much sleep and our Sunday plans...

Meeting Pinball

Since Thanksgiving is next week, nobody wants to have meetings next week. That means that this week was doubled up...

Permanent Austerity

In a discussion last week, I realized that the common denominator to so many of my personal hobbyhorses is fatigue...


Academic administrators get tired of hearing the “cross over to the dark side” line. It’s tired, it’s arrogant, and it...

Business or Town?

Tenured Radical’s thoughtful post on elite presidential salaries got me thinking about the “run the college like a business” canard...