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Putting Humanities Degrees to Work

How to better prepare humanities graduates for the future of work without diluting the value of a humanities education.

Yes, Virginia, Technology Has Changed the Way Students Learn

How to engage, motivate and maximize learning, participation and performance among today’s digital natives.

What Makes Popular History Popular?

What academic historians can learn from Robin Blackburn, Taylor Branch, Robert Caro, James Fallows, Howard French, Neal Gabler, Adam Hochschild, Harold Holzer, Nicholas Lemann, Anthony Lukas and Isabel Wilkerson.

Watch Your Language

How language became a key cultural, ideological, and political battleground.

Educational Innovation, Real and Fake

True innovation is essentially a people problem, not a technological problem.

Is Innovation Stagnating—and, If So, Is Higher Education to Blame?

What universities can do to nurture creativity and innovation.

The Path Not Taken

A holistic program of financial, academic and personal supports targeting community college students would provide a bigger payoff than one-time debt relief.