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Writing Is Thinking

Writing is not simply a matter of expressing pre-existing thoughts clearly. It’s the process through which ideas are produced and refined.

How Cognitive Bias Hinders Student Success

Steps you can take to combat the cognitive errors that contribute to self-sabotage.

Perceptual Blindness

Why we fail to see problems that are right in front of our eyes.

The Language Wars

Is wokespeak, equity and inclusion talk, and safe speech endangering campus free speech?

Why Not Use Record Endowment Returns to Promote Equity?

Given their endowments’ soaring value, elite universities have a moral duty to expand access and do more to contribute to the public good.

Helping Students Become Better Writers

Are cognitive science and psycholinguistics better guides to writing than Strunk and White?

Institutional Malpractice and Campus Accountability

Holding colleges and universities answerable for academic malpractice.

‘Squid Game’ as Allegory and Cultural Critique

What Netflix’s dystopian thriller reveals about the misguided purposes, ethics and direction of elite higher education.