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The Harvard MBA Is Bad for You

They should put a Surgeon General's warning on this thing.

On Donald Trump's SAT Scores. (And Mine.)

Wondering why and if these things matter.

One Small Step to Address the Student Mental Health Crisis

We should strive to make students' lives less precarious.

Surviving in the 21st Century With a 20th Century Education

I was educated in the last century, and yet I'm thriving in the age of disruption. Are there lessons for those who worry about the "demands of the 21st century?"

What Is the Soul of Teaching?

Instructional design? Instructional delivery? How about both?

I Got a Job

A real world job that somehow fits perfectly with my "academic" experience. Curious thing, that.

Guest Post: Yes, Your Whole Class Can Work on the Same Research Paper

Andre Costopoulos shows a way to get all students involved in a real research project.

WTF Is Going on at Wright State?

It's ugly, but it was foreseeable, maybe even inevitable.