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Cover of The Devil Never Sleeps by Juliette Kayyem

Pairing ‘The Devil Never Sleeps’ With ‘Universities on Fire’

What has to happen for academic leaders to prioritize climate risk?

Cover of The Education Myth by Jon Shelton

Academics and ‘The Education Myth’

Is investing in higher education truly the best path for reducing inequality and building a broad middle class?

Cover of The Poverty Paradox by Mark Robert Rank

‘The Poverty Paradox’ and the Structurally Vulnerable College

Applying Mark Rank’s framework to understand poverty among plenty to understanding precarious postsecondary institutions.

3 Questions for Peter Smith

Reflections on 53 years in higher education.

The very colorful cover of Size by Vaclav Smil

Does ‘Size’ Also Explain Higher Ed?

On mega-universities, expanding endowments and prolific authors.

A cover of the book Power and Progress

Technology, Higher Education, and ‘Power and Progress’

Why A.I., V.R. and online learning could just as easily solidify as ameliorate academic inequities.