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Math Mom: Summer Nights

Sweaty eleven-year-old boys with freckles across their noses, Little League baseball games and ice cream in waffle cones mean the...

ABCs and PhDs: Variety

I recently read a New York Times article describing a new study put out by the Center for Work Life...

Mothering at Mid-Career: What Summer is For

No matter how long I live on the academic schedule, I still have some trouble adjusting to what summer is...

The Career Coach Is In: Advice to a Wandering Twentysomething

This week, I’m going to include the full letter from a reader, because I think it’s a great illustration of...

Drama Mama: Wolves

Kids are mean in elementary school. They are mean in college. When I first began teaching I befriended many students...

Math Mom: June

June. Not the month bookended by May and July but a small, strong woman who runs marathons to raise money...

ABC's and PhD's: One long experiment

Before our first child was born we prepared to be parents in ways that academics always prepare for big projects...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Mind the Gap

In my bio for this blog, I mention "two children, one of whom should be heading off to college in...