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Thus far, blogging for Inside Higher Ed has been an amazing experience. After 23 posts, I wanted to check-in with folks and give a bit more insight into my blogging process.
My adventures into blogging started when I was a graduate student. Blogging quickly became a way for me to process my graduate experience. I've been blogging at the super-creatively-named "Eric Stoller's Blog" since 2004. With over 600 posts and 2,800 comments, my blog has become my virtual living room. I guess you could say that "Student Affairs and Technology" for Inside Higher Ed has become my virtual office. It's a more formal forum for my writing. While my Inside Higher Ed blog is still fairly new, it has had a nice amount of reader comments. I appreciate that folks are engaging, asking questions, and sharing information. I hope to wade into the comments area as soon as I reduce my workload from a full time day job + consulting to a manageable full time consulting endeavor.
People often ask me where I get my ideas for blog posts. The low-context answer is that I read a lot of different websites and connect with a lot of student affairs professionals. I am fairly consistent with the tools that I use to manage my blogging process. Here's the short list:
- Coda: I "grew up" writing HTML when I was at the University of Northern Iowa. I use Coda as my word processor and code editor.
- Delicious: My bookmarks are delicious! I keep track of everything via my favorite social bookmarking site.
- Gmail: If email is dead, then it's a zombie. Technically dead, but still coming at you with an unstoppable force. I get a lot of post ideas via email.
- RSS: I subscribe to more than 350 feeds in my RSS reader. It's how I keep track of a lot of interesting writers/sites.
- doubleTwist: This is probably my favorite app on my Droid X. Songs from iTunes synced to my phone. Blogging requires music.
- Twitter: I currently follow about 960 accounts on Twitter. I learn so much from the accounts that I follow. Twitter provides a myriad of interesting informational tidbits.
Do you have any topics that you would like me to write about? Please feel free to share them...I will do my best to take your ideas and turn them into posts.
Do you tweet? Follow me on Twitter.