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Eric Stoller and his discussants make a compelling case for using Delicious.

I'm no longer a Delicious person, and was wondering why the service has lost its utility in my digital life.

Some possibilities why I no longer use Delicious:

The App, the iPad and the Touch: Reading content on the web feels so 2007. I don't Delicious because I don't bookmark, and I don't bookmark because I'm no longer searching for and jumping around the web looking for content. Nowadays I consume most content on my iPad or Touch, using apps such as the one from the NYTimes. The app may restrict where I go, meaning less variety but a higher quality consumption experience. I imagine that over time more of the magazines and journals I read will morph into apps, providing high quality multimedia reading and viewing experiences on portable devices. Reading the NYTimes on my Touch or iPad is better than through a browser because I'm in "lean back" consuming mode. If I'm on my browser it means that I'm on my computer, with all the attention pulls from e-mail and writing projects.

Landing Not Searching: Do you spend much time search the web and bookmarking new places? Most of my daily web time is spent on the same few places. I scan and, with the articles and blogs basically fulfilling my daily educational technology dietary needs. The downside to this behavior is that my ed tech diet is less varied and less rich. With time not quality reading material the commodity in scarcest supply, having a daily edited digest to my professional interests becomes my default gateway to my web-based reading.

The Blog, the Audiobook and the Podcast: Web surfing and web reading take up less time, as these activities are replaced by writing (often for the web). Less time consuming on the web means less time bookmarking. Digital consumption is also moving from browser reading to listening. I can listen to a podcast, say the NPR technology or education podcast, while doing something else (like driving, running or the dishes). With more content to consume, more opportunities to produce, and the same amount of hours in the day - we all need to find ways to do two things at once.

Browsers Are For Collaborating and Creating, Not Consuming: My browser time is spent on Blackboard, in Basecamp, or on Google Docs. All collaborative and creative spaces, none of which are appropriate for bookmarking and Delicious.

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