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Cover of Invention and Innovation by Vaclav Smil

An Ed-Tech Riff on Smil’s ‘Invention and Innovation’

What educational technologies failed to live up to the hype, are always a decade away from mattering or have proved harmful to learners and universities?

Endowments Per Full-Time Student

Thinking about wealth and universities.

Endowments, 1990 to 2055

Some back-of-the-envelope calculations.

3 Questions for a Boston University $24K M.B.A. Alumna

Continuing the conversation with Kaplan’s Kaitlin Dumont.

Cover of Recoding America by Jennifer Pahlka

‘Recoding America’ and the Perils of Outsourcing Core University IT Capabilities

Why implementation skills and information technology leadership also matter in higher education.

3 Questions for Embry-Riddle’s Ronnie Mack

A conversation with an educator, connector, encourager and coach.

3 Reasons Why ‘Silo’ Is Really a Critique of Academic Culture

How Apple TV+’s dystopian series, based on novels by Hugh Howey, is, in reality, a parable of higher education.

3 Questions for Kevin McClure on ‘The Caring University’

A conversation about the book Kevin is writing on the university as a workplace.