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Technology and Learning - $69.50 for "Under New Management": Really?

Randy Martin's new book, Under New Management: Universities, Administrative Labor, and the Professional Turn looks like an important contribution to...

Mama PhD - Long Distance Mom: Ten years older

As my son reaches voting age I’m wondering — Is it too late to teach him to care about civic...

Law, Policy -- and IT? - ICPL: Internet Culture and the Academy

The cool, rainy front that has moved into our area signals the end of summer! Transition times are here, and...

Confessions of a Community College Dean - Presentations I'd Like to See

The AACC and League for Innovation conferences have both issued their calls for proposals for their Spring conferences. The conferences...

The World View - Doctoral Education: Too Much?

A recent OECD report on doctoral education points to an oversupply in some countries—mainly in North America and Europe. The...

Mama PhD - Calling Dr. Freud

Sharing one’s dreams and nightmares with friends and family can usually be lots of fun for the teller but tedious...

University of Venus - English as the Academic Lingua Franca

I am writing this short text from a computer whose keyboard settings are not English but Icelandic, a language with...

Technology and Learning - An Open Model for Vendor Collaboration

Last week I participated in a type of web meeting that I hope becomes the norm for academic / vendor...