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An Offline Thought Experiment

Pretend that you were leaving for 11 days and that you are going to be completely offline. No ability to read e-mail, even if you wanted to read e-mail.

Entertaining? Technically, It’s More Like Corruption

Unfortunately, though, the second-home scandal at NYU is just a particularly egregious extension of the dysfunctional human resource practices in higher education generally, and a sad comment on who is being attracted to academia these days -- and why.

Making Sense of Euro MOOCs

Our European MOOCs in Global Context Workshop (19-20 June 2013 @ UW-Madison) went very well, in my biased opinion. The event was kicked off by a provocative and well-crafted keynote lecture by George Siemens of Athabasca University.


If you want a serious discussion of college costs ....