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MOOC Challenge Mid-Term Report

A couple of months ago, I invited people to join me in “The MOOC Challenge.” Now that I’m half-way through my MOOC – A Crash Course in Creativity, taught by Tina Seelig through the Venture Lab at Stanford University – I’ll give you a mid-term report on the course.

Who Are My Neighbors?

I have lived in Wisconsin for the past 13 years, but I’ve never identified myself as a mid-westerner. Most of my extended family lived or are living in the northeast and many of my friends are on the west coast. I warmed to Wisconsin slowly.

This Is Not About the Election

This is not about the election, Instead, it’s about next week’s Big Announcement.

My Goals for EDUCAUSE 2012

What are your goals for EDUCAUSE 2012? What do you hope to learn at the conference? What insights and information do you hope to take back to your campus?

The Boss Who Gets Work Done, and Then Some

Recently, a supervisor remarked that I am “too Americanized” and lacking in good-old-fashioned sensitivity [pakiramdam] as Division chair. Clearly, my brand of managing has critics. But as I constantly remind myself and my superiors, I only get half semester load credit for my administrative job. To live the other half of my academic life teaching, doing research and publishing, I have to follow work practices that will get the admin job done in a University machine that is in “low” gear (read: slow decision-making).

Thriving in a Pressure Cooker: Building Strong Support Networks

As grad students, we face numerous pressures – from academic deadlines to family commitments and maintaining our own health and well-being. However, as many have written before, we struggle to find a balance, tend to give up those things that are healthy but aren’t “productive” and even feel guilty when we take a little time for ourselves.

Print versus Digital: Textbook Edition

Digital Writing Month has me reflecting on the value of print - and keeping it looking like print.

Comfort in a pot

As I write this, it’s Election Day and, depending on the outcome, we might all need a little comfort food this week. When the days are dreary, stress is heavy, and everything looks bleak, sometimes the best way to mother oneself is to cook up a pot of sustenance that warms the house and sends odor plumes wafting out the door. Of course exercise, fresh air, hobbies, cuddles with pets or kids, wine, and outings with friends are all great for stress relief. Food certainly isn’t the solution to all woes. But a nice meal doesn’t hurt.