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Anticipating Unanticipated Consequences: Brazil’s Radical Legislation

In considering higher education policy in Brazil and, in particular, the very recent legislation increasing racial quotas to 50% of enrollment, one gropes to identify any policies in world higher education history that have mandated such a large quota in favor of any group (whereas of course public policy has sometimes completely excluded certain groups). Or that have mandated even small official admission favoritism for graduates of one secondary school sector over another. Moreover, Brazil’s mechanism of reform is massive imposition of national government power over university autonomy.

Let's Talk About Academic Integrity: Part III After the Internet and With the Roof Blown Open

A week or so ago, I decided to write about academic integrity because of the plagiarism reports about MOOCs. For anyone following the posts, the first was a recounting of my first experience with plagiarism as a teaching assistant 30 years ago. Yesterday's was a broad stroke report about how technology disrupted the traditional balance between the policy and practice.

Working On The Go

Starbucks is one of my favorite places to work. Coffee, company, and a relaxing atmosphere help me concentrate and keep focused on my task. As it can be a pain to lug my laptop everywhere, I have a tablet and a mobile phone that I use when working away from my desk.

The Grant Program I’d Love to See

I spend a fairly alarming amount of my time these days on grant-related projects. Each is worthy in its own way, of course, but they have certain limitations in common.

How an Open Office, the Cloud, an iPhone, and a MacBook Air Changed How I Work

Each year I find myself increasingly mobile and virtual, working all the time but seldom in a single workplace.

'Strapping our students

Over the weekend, my watch strap broke. So on Monday, on the way home from campus, I went to the store to get a replacement. More precisely, I went to the stores.

Mountain women

It hit me this year that someday I’ll be one of the elders in my family. My parents are ageing gracefully, and both are still in fairly good health. However, I realized that in the not too distant future my sister and I will be responsible for passing on our family lore. We’ve heard many stories and cherished bits of wisdom from both my parents, but to be honest, the details tend to blur.