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Riches to rags

I've been looking at the EPA's 2009 report on Municipal Solid Waste in the United States. It's not a subject that gets most people's attention until the landfill threatens to overflow or the tipping fee goes up, by which time (of course) the major opportunity is already past.

An Open Letter to Chancellor Katehi of the University of California, Davis

Dear Chancellor Katehi, I imagine you’re feeling burned right now. You trusted the wrong people, and find yourself in a...

Lest We Forget

Six months ago, we here at University of Venus wrote passionately about our reactions to the beating and blinding of Rumana Monzur by her husband and in front of their daughter. We hoped that this would shed light on the issue of violence against women and the power imbalance that still exists between men and women. But we also feared for her academic career, her and her daughter’s safety, and her future more generally. How is she?

Happy Birthday Chevrolet

This month, Chevrolet turns 100 years old. Happy Birthday Chevrolet. In the Chevy line-up over the years are many of the models that I fell in love with when I was growing up.

Take Back Higher Education

What happened at Penn State and at UC Davis comes as no surprise to those of us working contingently in Higher Ed; we've been victimized, marginalized, and silenced for years.

A Conversation With Our Student Hacker Club

Last week I had the privilege of spending time with some members of our student Hacker Club. The goal of this discussion, one of many that we are having with many members and groups in our community, is to identify the digital ideas and innovations that hold the most promise for our institution.

Paid and Unpaid

On the Green Schools listserv, last week, there was some small discussion regarding how to coordinate sustainability efforts conducted by student groups with those undertaken by remunerated students, whether work/study or internship. Many campuses have paid student eco-reps, recycling coordinators and the like.

"Education, education, education!"

NYT headlines today reflect a mature understanding of the Internet. In the "Technology" section there are no articles on "technology" per se, for example semi-conductors, fiber optic cables or wireless access points. (The Times does cover these matters in its "Science" section anyway.) Rather, there are economic, legal, and social articles about technology.