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Governance for Marketing?

Susan T. Evans offers advice and examples of how to build your marketing governance plan organically.

Self-Care, Emotional Health, Dissertation. In That Order.

A reminder to focus on your well-being during graduate school.

Developing Self-Driving Cars Will Be Easy Compared to Scaling the Seminar

Why creating access to a quality liberal arts education is the most interesting challenge we face.

Weapons of Math Destruction: The Dark Side of Big Data

Big data is being secretly wielded in ways that increase inequality and unaccountability, and a former quant can tell you want it all means – most entertainingly.

Maybe I Should Join the 'New Cheating Economy'

I could make 10x more helping college students cheat than by teaching college.

Say Yes: The Benefits and Risks of Working for Free

The case for accepting uncompensated opportunities.

A Pronatalist Recommendation for 'All the Single Ladies'

A marvelous book on our most important demographic, labor market, and cultural trends.