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Unizin, a consortium of 25 universities that focuses on enhancing digital teaching and learning, announced on Tuesday that it has selected new leaders and released a platform to collect, standardize and securely store key data about learning and student success.
Aaron Neal, director of enterprise software at Indiana University, has been named chief executive officer of Unizin, while Jill Buban, senior director of research and innovation at the Online Learning Consortium, has been chosen as the organization's chief academic officer.
Unizin also announced the release of the Unizin Data Platform, which it describes as a comprehensive platform for collecting and sharing common data across institutions that will become "the largest, richest and broadest collection of anonymized learner data in higher education" when it spreads to all of the consortium's institutions. Data are coming from the universities' student information systems and Canvas by Instructure, their common learning management system. (Information will also come from Turnitin and Top Hat if their members use those services.)
The first five participating institutions are Colorado State University, Indiana University, the University of Iowa, the University of Michigan and the University of Wisconsin at Madison.