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- Philip Ringle, who has been accused of sexual harassment, has stepped down as president of Truckee Meadows Community College, but officials say that he is leaving because of health problems, not because of the allegations, which he denies, The Reno Gazette-Journal reported.
- Alabama authorities on Tuesday charged Charles Holloway, the director of financial aid at Bishop State Community College, with theft, as 14 additional people -- several of them college officials -- were arrested, the Associated Press reported. A total of 27 people now face felony theft charges in the case.
- A federal panel charged with studying federally supported math and science education efforts has found that despite the importance and political popularity of these programs, there is "a general dearth of evidence" about what works and what doesn't work. The report calls for more of an emphasis on evaluating progress and sharing effective practices.
- The Sematech computer chip research consortium is moving from Austin, Tex. to Albany, N.Y., where its host will be the State University of New York at Albany, The Albany Times-Union reported. The corporate consortium, a major hub for technology research, will receive $300 million from New York State.
- Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) released a report Wednesday that he said showed that researchers at several universities who advised the U.S. Education Department on its Reading First program had "significant financial ties to education publishers while they held Reading First positions that required them advise and provide technical assistance to States and school districts about which reading programs to chose and how to implement them."
- The Education Department on Wednesday released the latest of a series of reports on enrollment rates, graduation rates and financial statistics for various cohorts of college students.