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Columbus State University
- Parul Acharya, teacher education, leadership and counseling
- Andrew Donofrio, communication
- Rebecca Gerdes-McClain, English
- Anna Hart, teacher education, leadership and counseling
- Hanna Lainas, teacher education, leadership and counseling
- Dae Woo Lee, politics, philosophy and public administration
- Gwendolyn Miller, nursing
- Joseph Miller, English
- Wen Shi, accounting and finance
- Natalia Temesgen, English
- Scott Wilkerson, English
University of Hawai‘i at Hilo
- John Burns, natural and health sciences
- Todd Inouye, business and economics
- Chun Fang Kuo, student affairs
- Travis Mandel, natural and health sciences
- Justina Mattos, arts and sciences
- Alexander Nagurney, arts and sciences
- Donna Ohora, librarian
- Grady Weyenberg, natural and health sciences
- Nicole Young, pharmacy