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Public Perception of Higher Ed

Americans still think college is worth it, new survey suggests, but problems with price, access and rigid programs might keep them from pursuing degrees.

Time to Play Offense

Instead of focusing on deflating myths and countering sensationalized media accounts, college leaders need to reframe the discussion of value, writes David Maxwell.

Fewer Bucks, More Bangs

Without enough state aid dollars to make college affordable, Colorado is shifting the focus of its grant program from affordability to encouraging credit completion.

The College Grad/Employment Mismatch

Study argues that too many bachelor's degree-holders are in jobs that don't require them, raising questions about the campaign to send even more Americans to college.

Not Getting What You Paid For

Study questions the relationship between how much colleges spend on education, and the quality of education that they provide.

College Chiefs Contemplate Completion

The National Commission on Higher Education Attainment lists steps institutions can take to help more students finish college.

Nowhere to Turn

Every university funding source is under pressure, Moody’s asserts, meaning that all institutions -- even the elites -- need to rethink their business models.

Parsing the Case Against College

It's in vogue (again) to argue that getting a higher education may not be necessary. It's an old theme, John Thelin notes, and many of the arguments make the opposite case.