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Golden Day for the Golden State?

California higher education leaders see Tuesday’s election results as a potential boon for the state’s colleges and universities, but major financial problems could still complicate the systems’ recoveries.

Need and Want

Facing financial constraints and public pressure over students’ debt, some colleges move away from need-blind admissions -- which are often costly to the institution and students -- in favor of reducing "gapping."

Leveling Off

Two new reports by the College Board show more moderate tuition increases than in previous years, but restrictions on federal aid spending could lead to higher net prices going forward.

Unconventional Tuition Vote

California politicians are targeting students and faculty members to support a ballot measure that, by raising taxes, could stave off cuts to higher education and tuition hikes.

Let’s Make a Deal

Facing pressure to hold prices down, public universities are proposing ways to freeze or reduce the cost of attendance – but they want something in return.

What’s Driving Debt

New paper finds that admissions and financial aid policies play a larger role than tuition prices do in driving student debt.

Majoring in Outcomes

Study highlights wage data for new graduates of Virginia colleges, with sortable earnings numbers by major. And similar databases are on the way in other states.

Getting Smarter on Skills Testing

Smarterer's assessments aren't a threat to higher ed, for now, but offer job-seekers a way to go beyond the academy to show employers what they know.