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A photo illustration composed of a photograph of New College of Florida's campus on the left and New College faculty chair Amy Reid on the right.

New College of Florida Is Dumping Books—and Losing Professors

The conservative transformation of the institution continues, with gender studies texts being tossed and the faculty chair, plus other professors, taking leave.

Harvard Students Agree to Drop Suit Over Comaroff’s Alleged Harassment

Three women who accused now-former Harvard University professor John Comaroff of sexual harassment, and of retaliating against them for reporting...
President Biden, at an angle, speaks from a podium with the presidential seal

How Biden’s Title IX Reform Became a Legal Morass

Conservatives have partly stymied the administration’s efforts to overhaul Title IX, getting the new regulations temporarily blocked in 26 states over objections to expanded rights for LGBTQ+ students. Here’s how the last 100 days have unfolded.

A cartoon of a professor holding up a sign in the left panel, speaking into a standing mike in the middle panel and speaking at a lectern in the last panel.

Survey Finds Most Professors Are Comfortable Teaching Sensitive Topics

A snapshot of academic freedom perceptions in a tumultuous academic year yields results that may surprise higher education observers. But demographic breakdowns might provide a more complex picture.

Judge Declines to Narrow Title IX Injunction Affecting Hundreds of Colleges

A federal judge denied the Biden administration’s request to narrow or delay a recent court hold blocking the Education Department...

Study: Women, People of Color Underrepresented in Top Jobs

Women and people of color are underrepresented in higher education’s best-paying jobs, a new study from the College and University...
A map of the United States showing the 15 states where the Title IX regulations are temporarily on hold

Nearly 700 More Colleges Don’t Have to Comply With New Title IX Rule

A recent injunction barred the Education Department from enforcing its new Title IX rule at colleges attended by members of two conservative student groups. Hundreds of colleges across the country are affected.

Mike Johnson, in a blue suit and flanked by several Republican leaders, stands at a podium

House Republicans Vote to Overturn Biden Title IX Rule

The party-line vote followed a heated debate over the regulations, which strengthen protections for transgender students.