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Supreme Court Rules Against Public-Sector Unions

High court says public employees don't have to pay regular agency fees to unions that represent them in collective bargaining and more, which could hurt faculty and staff unions.

Tentative Agreement at Illinois

University of Illinois graduate students reach tentative contract deal with administration after being on strike for nearly two weeks.

Realities of Trump-Era NLRB

In a blow to the graduate student union movement on private campuses, three would-be unions withdraw their petitions from the National Labor Relations Board, saying they'll instead return to seeking voluntary recognition.

The (Possible) Postdoc Union Boom

Could postdoc unions be the next big thing in collective bargaining among academics? Recent filing at University of Washington could be beginning of a new round of organizing.

A Forced Faculty Divide

State appeals court rejects proposed joint non-tenure-track and tenured faculty union at U of Minnesota Twin Cities.

Long-Term Contracts for 1,500 Adjuncts

CUNY’s faculty union is starting to see returns on a major push of six-year contract battle: three-year appointments for long-serving adjuncts.

Leap of Faith

Deciding to unionize alongside part-timers could have backfired on Notre Dame de Namur’s tenured and tenure-track faculty members. Here’s how it didn’t.

An Inconvenient Adjunct

Barnard English instructor of 17 years, who helped bring a union to campus, no longer has a job there, and she blames the contract for allowing it.