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A photo illustration including a photograph of Charles J. (Chuck) Cooper with text from the Stop WOKE Act superimposed over his face.

Florida Argues It Could Stop Professors From Criticizing Governor

A nationally prominent conservative lawyer, hired to defend the state’s Stop WOKE Act, asserted that what public university professors say in classrooms “is the government’s speech.” The national implications for academic freedom could be dire.


Can We Trust Social Science Research?

Issues of bias, credibility, politics, reliability and reproducibility.

Stanford Misinformation Group to Keep Going Despite Reported Cuts

The Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO), one of the largest academic groups investigating misinformation, is pledging to continue its work following...
Woman working in a lab

Women Make Global Gains as Researchers, but Gaps Persist

A large-scale global study found that while the number of women in academic research is growing, STEM fields remain dominated by men.

A silver-toned photo of a gleaming, modern empty science laboratory.

The Uncertain Future of Private Research Universities

The growing share of research costs covered by institutions risks making the private research university business model unsustainable, Robert A. Brown writes.

Geographer Maps Origins of ‘Publish or Perish’

The phrase “publish or perish” is the dictum of modern academic survival. It sums up what many researchers at universities...
A group of students and a professor meet in a research laboratory. All are wearing lab coats.

Program Innovations: Promoting Success in Student Research

To enhance the student experience and increase access to experiential learning, colleges and universities have gotten creative with undergraduate research experiences.

UC San Diego, Santa Barbara Join Strike Backing Protesters

The University of California work stoppage supporting pro-Palestinian protesters has now grown to include five campuses, with academic workers at...